The New Name - Three out of Four Ain't Awful, But Is It Enough?
Did you read the whole IoM report? I did, which is one reason this blog is coming out now, days after the big announcement. I've also had a PEM crash, or I'm coming down with a virus; at this point I can't tell which. If you have not read the whole report, you're not alone. Clearly most reporters doing reports on the report have not read the report. Likely, most doctors won't read it either. And Congress? Yeah, right. But some in the government health agencies will read it. And so will some journal editors (or I guess they have already). I was like a man whose wife was going into labor the days before the release. It was going to be great or awful. But either way, it was going to be a big change. I coped by using two strategies: I planned a ritual to look forward to either way, that is a margarita (virgin if good, with some alcohol if not). And I lowered my expectations. As to the latter, I figured it was not going to be perfect, and I was not going to get all...